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Free Games
Some of my favorite games of all time are games you can play with simple household materials. Got a pair of scissors and some paper? You can play the Fold and Cut Challenge! Got a messy playroom or junk drawer? Play a couple of rounds of Attribute Train! Have a bunch of old LEGO bricks lying around? Try to build something while blindfolded!
If you have pencil and paper handy, you and your kids can play a classic game such as Dots and Boxes, or you can opt for a classic-in-the-making such as Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. In every case, you'll have a chance to talk about all sorts of math ideas that these games provoke.
Board Games
If you're brand new to Games for Young Minds, a nice place to start are my Holiday Gift Guides from 2017 and 2018. In each guide, I list a couple games that are appropriate for each age level, as well as my reason for including them in the list.
If you want to figure out how to make popular games such as Tenzi or Connect 4 more mathematical, I've got you covered. If you're interested in two-player games that weave together multiple math concepts, you could check out Patchwork or Kingdomino. If you want to play a math game that involves math concepts aside from number, you could try Blokus, Manifold, or SET.